Tag Archives: renewal

Renewal, Rejuvenation and Relationships

20 Aug


“Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives.”

A mirror has been held up for me this week through the process of allowing myself to be rejuvenated and renewed through my relationships.  Sometimes we go into a space that doesn’t feel so good.  A space where we feel like we may be regressing.  We may start to doubt our growth, start to doubt our progress and question where we are going.  I call these growing pains.

Growing, changing and transforming can be tiring and painful.  The rejuvenating and renewal process through the relationships we hold near and dear is an amazing way to recognize and remember all the growth you have accomplished.  We have various types of relationships.  Each one serves a different purpose.  Each relationship contributes to our growth and supports in a different way.  I have friends who are married and rejuvenate me in ways that are very different from my relationships with people who are in a similar situation as me.  Is either one more important?  Not at all.  One relationship allows me to laugh openly and remember the past and give hope for the future.  Another completely understands where I am emotionally at that moment…but they will also understand the place I am emotionally within the next few moments, because they are right there with me.

Yes, relationships are a reflection of who we are, where we are going and remind us of those things we hold so dear.  The quote tells us how nature holds up a mirror, I also believe that it’s our most important relationships that hold up a mirror as well.  It’s these authentic relationships that have allowed me to be who I am and continue to allow me to transform…mistakes and all.  My friends have no problems being completely honest with me: the good and the bad, but it’s  all said out of love and encouragement.

Word of advice:  Those times when you feel you are down and feel you have lost your way, don’t be afraid to reach out for those relationships you hold dearly.  Learn to recognize what you need in that moment and do not be afraid to reach out and ask.  The conversations held late at night, in a coffee shop or on a park bench may be just what you need to keep your momentum going!  Your journey is continuous.  Utilize all of your resources!  You’ll be glad you did!